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A rockstar agency without the drama

Author image Published by [email protected]
Published Date 28.04.2023

We like to think of ourselves as AI-loving, multi-channel marketing specialists. Somebody Digital is comprised of a field of experts across key areas including CRO, Paid Media, Analytics, and of course, crucially, SEO.

SEO forms a very core part of what we offer our clients. Over more than ten years, we’ve come to understand how critical good optimisation is on all fronts to get real, valuable traffic to a website.

But we’ve offered our clients more than just climbing the search engine ranks. We provide a sustainable, long-tail SEO solution that ensures increased leads and sales, and ultimately increased market share for our clients.

The proof is in the results

One case in point is our client Lofta, who approached us to assist with increasing their revenue year-on-year using our SEO talents across their site.

Because our team is comprised of talented technical SEO professionals, as well as content marketing leads, we took a comprehensive approach to optimising the Lofta website, beginning with a thorough site audit.

Enter the first challenge

As any good SEO knows, competitor research is crucial to driving results. In this case, Lofta sells medical supplies. This meant hours and hours of conducting research on the competition, scraping blogs, reviews, and rival sites to conduct keyword research. Unfortunately for our client, these hours of research would blow their budget out of the water. We needed another solution.

As an AI-loving agency, we turned to technology to help us address the challenge. Using Browse AI we were able to conduct data scrapes at a much faster rate, giving us more time to focus on the critical work of implementing technical SEO on their site.

Next up: ultimate optimisation

As an agency, we focus on optimising our clients’ sites for the best possible results, which is why we offer a range of services depending on the clients’ requirements. Now that we had conducted competitor research, we could begin the work of optimising Lofta’s site to drive their goal of a 50% revenue increase over the period of a year.

To optimise, we started by focussing on pages with top-selling items to drive rapid results, along with improving the performance of the site and implementing FAQ schema markups, with as many as 20 FAQs being added per page.

Results-driven marketing

This approach saw us increase the content on some pages by as much as 300%, giving search engines far more fuel to work with when it came to ranking Lofta’s pages.

When the measurement of this campaign began, we were blown away by the results. We had more than achieved the goal of increasing organic traffic and driving revenue. In fact, the total revenue from increased organic traffic to Lofta’s site had an impressive growth of 96.58%.

Not only that, but the total number of Google Search queries that generated impressions from organic traffic had an extraordinary increase of 229.84% over the same period.

Why nominations matter

At Somebody Digital, we pride ourselves on being a multi-disciplinary team that can execute client requests across a range of areas, but getting to work with clients that understand the commitment this takes is an even greater pleasure.

When we get nominated for prestigious awards, like the European Search Awards, it’s more than just a feather in our cap, it’s an outside testament that the work we do really is first class.

Find out more about what we do for our clients.

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