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merging social and seo: this is how HEMA dominates TikTok, YouTube, Instagram and Google with data-based content

Author image Published by [email protected]
Published Date 23.04.2024

Brands want a presence on social. But what content does the audience really want to see? Often entertainment that hops onto trends is the first thing that comes to mind. A good move, when done right. However, a very important content layer often gets overlooked: search! Social platforms, like TikTok and YouTube, are more than places to go viral; they’re Gen Z’s favorite search engines. A brand that understands this power is HEMA. The Dutch retailer joined forces with us: team5pm – the data-driven content group. Together, we used search insights from platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, and Google to bring social and SEO together – with crazy results to proof!

HEMA’s case explained: #1 TikTok rankings in just a few hours

Search is changing. Gen Z wants their questions answered visually and fast. That’s why platforms like TikTok and YouTube are taking the world of search by storm. Dutch retailer HEMA wanted to tap into this – growing their online visibility and helping their consumer. With search insights, we really got to know HEMA’s audience. What content they like to watch and for how long, which questions they had, what channels they loved and how they used specific platforms. Thanks to topictree – our automated video SEO software – we found the retailer’s sweet spot. Where their audience is, and their competition isn’t (yet). For instance, we saw potential in the topic ‘shortening curtains’; loads of views on content only made by creators – no brands to be seen in the search results! The data spoke: ‘bathroom’ and ‘window decoration’ were the go-to search domains for HEMA. Within these domains, our creative smart asses made the series ‘HEMA helps’. Help content – focussed on making life at home easier with nifty tips and tricks for the household. On one production day, we caught all birds with one stone: multiple content crews made assets for all platforms. 

With search and viewing data about real human behavior, we were able to create a content plan in regards to what questions to answer, which trends to tap into, the ideal titles, content duration, platform specifics and relevant specs. We made a SEO-optimized distribution strategy showing the right assets, on the right platform at the right time. This way HEMA didn’t just dominate Google, but also YouTube and TikTok – even ranking on top with Shorts and TikToks in Google! The content got over 3.165.000 organic views and gained top rankings just a few hours after publishing.

HEMA Case Study: How they secured their top position using data-driven TikTok SEO! | Team5pm

The power of data, recognized by the European Search Awards

Being nominated for not just one, but three categories in the European Search Awards is such an honor to both HEMA as well as team5pm. It’s a testament to the power of search data and our team of beautiful minds that connect the dots. For us, it’s more than just a recognition of our work; it’s a validation that the right mix between data and creativity – is the way for brands to serve their audiences with content they actually want. We’re excited to see where this recognition takes us and grateful for the chance to make a difference in the world of content marketing and search.

Meet team5pm: data drives us to be different

team5pm is a data-driven content group. By bringing together the worlds of data and creativity, our creative smart asses make effective content for brands. On platforms like YouTube, TikTok and Instagram. We do this with our labels 5pm and Lijm Amsterdam
From our offices in Amsterdam, Stockholm, Cape Town, Warsaw and Milano we bring different people, perspectives and talents together – united by the same mindset: data drives us to be different. We’re not talking about complex excel sheets or boring 0s and 1s. No, the human behavior kind of data. About your target audience. With a tooling mix, consisting of our video SEO technology topictree at the core, we know what your target group wants to see, when and where. This way we find the sweet spot for your brand – where your audience is, and your competition isn’t (yet). We combine this with loads of creativity. This is how we make creative content that gets real results.

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