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Maatwerk Online is in the run for a European Search award, proud with our five nominations!

Author image Published by [email protected]
Published Date 30.04.2024

We are Maatwerk Online, a full service digital agency based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. A team of 35 enthusiastic online marketing geeks, from performance marketers, developers and strategists. An award-winning full-service agency where we do everything we can to make maximum impact for our clients and always want to grow both with the company and personally.

But that’s not all that makes us who we are, something that really describes us is our own culture. We would like to tell you this and it is something we are proud of, in addition to all the great awards and impact we make together with our clients.

Let’s dive into our own culture book. We’re all about making a positive impact and inspiring others to do the same. We don’t like the status quo – no, we prefer to push boundaries while heading straight for our goals. Therefore the slogan “Make an impact and inspire others to do the same”.

But hey, working at Maatwerk Online is not all serious – on the contrary! We are also real party animals and believe that success should be celebrated. Maybe soon with a European Search Award. 😉

Moreover, we have a ‘Test & Learn’ mindset. We see every project as a new adventure in which we continuously experiment and learn. Nothing gives us more energy than discovering new possibilities and achieving great results.

At Maatwerk Online it’s all about inspiration and impact. Our main drive is to inspire others to dream, learn and grow. Together with our clients, we form a powerful team that makes the world a little more beautiful. And we won’t stop until we reach that goal!

What This Nominations Means to Us

Speaking of impact, it’s great that we, as a ‘small’ agency from Rotterdam, can share our expertise at European level and have a chance to win awards! This really gives us a great boost as a company. We also see this in the team, the appreciation they receive for their work is super motivating. Participating and being nominated challenges everyone at Maatwerk Online to create even cooler cases and go for the win!

“Participating in the European Search Awards has really inspired our team at Maatwerk Online. It is fantastic to see our efforts being recognized at European level, and this has created an incredible drive to deliver even better performance and strive for the victory!”

Lars Maat, Founder Maatwerk Online

Our nominated work

Linking data from various sources together to score with the right customer segments

Nominated in the categories Best Integrated Campaign, Most Innovative Campaign (PPC) and Best Use of Data (PPC)

The challenge

You regularly buy food for your dog, but how do you ensure that customers keep coming back to you in a highly competitive market? WOOOF dog food looked for strategies to take their retention rates to the next level.


We started by collecting the right data: what do customers find important in the brand of chunks they carry? What do they pay attention to? By conducting customer research, calling every new customer and enriching customer data in Klaviyo, we were able to take the first steps.


Insights from customer feedback were merged into a new marketing strategy in which communication was tailored to the owner; in prospecting communications as well as remarketing and marketing automation flows after the first purchase. Predictive segments were built from the customer profiles in Klaviyo, allowing us to time our campaigns even better.


The number of repeat purchases increased by 26% after the implementation of the renewed strategy. As a result, more second others were placed by new customers than before.

Future plans

This leaves you wanting more! We have just started improving our marketing strategy for WOOOF and will further expand it with our own data as well as new channels.

Using AI to get a new clientbase with the right content

Nominated in the categories Best Use of Content Marketing and Best Use of AI in Content

The challenge

De Kruidenbaron, an online store specialized in herbs and spices, was looking for ways to increase their organic traffic, especially because we noticed that search intent within their industry was shifting to more focus on the use and properties of products.


To address this, we decided to create unique recipes that incorporate their products. This strategy aimed to attract a new audience looking for specific dishes and recipes


With the help of ChatGPT and GPT-4’s Advanced Data Analysis, recipes were efficiently generated and optimized for the website, including converting them to structured HTML data.


Within 6 months of the new recipe environment going live, De Kruidenbaron saw a significant increase in organic positions and traffic, with the goal of attracting 40,000 visitors within 12 months.

Future plans

De Kruidenbaron gradually releases new recipes to provide fresh content weekly, which not only strengthens the website but also strengthens their social media and newsletters

This case study shows how creative content creation and strategic use of AI and structured data can significantly improve the visibility and reach of an online store.

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Facebook: Maatwerk Online

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