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PR that Performs: How Digital Trails Earned Six Finalist Spots

Author image Published by [email protected]
Published Date 29.04.2024

At Digital Trails, we have so much to be excited about in the run up to the European Search Awards 2024. Many of our projects have been shortlisted for finalist positions this year and our team couldn’t be more excited.

As an ever-growing international Digital PR company, it is our continuing mission to bring businesses of all sizes to international success, using all the capability of the digital age to power this goal.

What makes Digital Trails Shine?

Digital Trails was born to marry stellar brand building capabilities of digital PR services with the performance, analysis, and measurability of search marketing & SEO. Our company’s resulting DNA enables brands of all sizes to maximise their visibility, with genuine trackable commercial results.

Our team is the lifeblood of our services, which is why they lay at the heart of our organisation. Able to work from anywhere (before it was trendy) we embrace the diversity that makes us a truly international brand – with our team counting over 10 nationalities, speaking over 20 languages.

Here’s what our amazing team has been doing to earn these finalist spots:

Ooono’s Co-Driver
Best Integrated Campaign [Small]/ Best Use of Search – Automotive [Small]

Ooono’s launch of their latest product, the Co-Driver N1., into the highly competitive Italian marketplace came with a unique set of challenges that we worked with them to navigate.

Our goals were to amplify Ooono’s brand visibility to Italian audiences, using SEO, PR and Influencer Marketing strategies to increase rankings for branded terms, increase website and Amazon traffic, and ultimately increase sales for the Co-Driver product.

Transforming Ooono from its traditional single-channel, social media-driven approach to a multi-channel strategy in a new market was an undeniable challenge. From social media research to one-on-one interviews with archetypal audience members, our research needed to highlight everything necessary to launch this new product into a new marketplace.

Focusing on the Co-Driver product’s safety and convenience benefits, we developed a multidimensional strategy, leveraging influencer marketing, earned media, and paid media tactics to help Ooono step into the Italian market with their best foot forward.

“Digital Trails has turbocharged our tech product launch in Italy. Their dynamic approach, paired with local insights has generated search demand for our products, earned media and has positively impacted sales. We were impressed with the results and look forward to even more exponential growth.”

  • Jakob Wrønding, Marketing Director, OOONO A/S

Our unique blend of SEO, content, and earned media transformed Ooono’s market presence in Italy and dramatically exceeded our original expectations for the project. Using advanced performance PR techniques and analytical tools, we demonstrated a massive increase to all KPIs, with particular focus on sales which enjoyed an immense daily escalation of revenue.

Our work with Ooono is a testament to our strategic innovation; penetrating brand new markets is challenging, but even ambitious goals can be attained through the right blend of insight, creativity, and execution.


Best use of PR in a Search Campaign [Small] / Best Local Campaign [Small]

Reinvigorating an established brand comes with its own unique set of challenges. Beyond just introducing audiences to the brand, you must also dispel the old image from their minds.

This was a cornerstone of the work we did with Gensan, as Digital Trails were tasked with positioning the brand’s sports supplements as the go-to science-based supplement brand in the Italian market, and grow the business through organic search marketing.

Distinguishing Gensan’s niche was crucial; semi-professional athletes are solemnly dedicated to fitness, driven by incremental attainment of optimal physical performance rather than seasonal goals or yearly zeitgeist.

“The biggest challenge was undoubtedly crafting a captivating campaign that was not only creative and engaging for the audience but also scientifically backed, aligning with Gensan’s core philosophy.”

  • Lorenzo Sergei, Digital Trails

By positioning our campaign on the intersection between science and wellness, we cemented Gensan as a credible source of information for their target audience, with news generation and product promotion lending authority to their credibility. We further compounded on this image shift by leveraging experts, like trainers, nutritionists, and athletes to build authority for Gensan. Providing genuinely useful content for the media and customers was at the heart of this campaign.

Our work extended to another Digital PR campaign for the post-christmas return to gyms. To match the spirit of academia, we developed our own research to create a list of the scientifically-backed top 25 songs for workouts in Italy for a playlist, using data from Spotify.

The Gensan-branded playlist was made public, with all the research being visualised and posted on their website, as well as being promoted to the press.

Digital Trails isn’t afraid to jump into innovative strategies to produce results. Our unique approach used existing scientific foundations, and produced brand new empirical data, to prove to Gensan’s audience that they were the go-to brand for physical development.

Culture Trip – Work Hard, Play Hard

Best Use of PR in a Search Campaign [Small] / Best Pan European Campaign

Limitations breed innovation; our team’s work with Culture Trip represents a creative endeavour into a project powered primarily by the Digital Trails team’s problem-solving abilities, creativity, and flexibility to deliver outstanding results. Without access to new primary research, we had to pull out all the stops to think outside the box and channel existing data sets to craft a campaign for multiple European markets.

The goal was to bring increased traffic to the primary landing pages, the “top things to see and do in [location]” landing pages, and to increase page authority. We focused on the growing trend of “Workcations” – a working holiday – as an underpinning for the campaign.

Our plan was to rank the top 10 cities for Workcations, with the index being determined by a variety of important holiday considerations (e.g., accommodation costs, tourist spots) blended with essential criteria for working conditions (e.g., internet speed and coffee prices).

 We implemented our findings on the relevant pages, along with a 7-day travel itinerary for the top 10 cities. By drawing press attention to these main webpages, we were able to secure organic links and traffic to the desired landing pages, and boost SERP rankings with quality backlinks from related media institutions.

This campaign’s success was felt across numerous European markets, as we secured media coverage in over 13 countries. The Digital Trails team used powerful analytical research, creative content ideation, and deep understanding of growing trends to create a unique campaign: blending SEO and impactful storytelling – dramatically outperforming our original project expectations.

The team is so excited to be nominated for this selection of awards. The momentum fuels us to create more incredible stories for outstanding brands around the world.

Here’s to a great 2024 and beyond!

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