Entry Essentials

Download Entry Form

Click the button below to download your entry form.

Complete Entry Form

Complete the entry form with all relevant information, taking care to answer each question thoroughly and gather supporting documentation (Word or PDF document)

Register Via Portal

Upload your form and supporting documents using the secure online portal by completing your company profile and details. Make your entry payment (see pricing below) and your final submissions will be handed to a judging panel.
Benefits of Entering the European Search Awards Deciding to enter the awards is a recognition of your team and their hard work and brings your team together to strive for the winners' titles. The entry form is the perfect framework for reviewing your overall project and gaining clarity for future work, as well as an opportunity to judge your own work. Entering can also be seen as a marketing opportunity which demonstrates to clients and audiences how passionate you are about your work.
  • Industry recognition and brand awareness.
  • Increase visibility and credibility.
  • Attract new clients, new talent, and new partnerships.
  • Third-party endorsement from esteemed industry experts.
  • Employee recognition and reward.
  • Networking opportunities with the best in European search.
  • Award-winning company culture.
  • Feedback from judges for external insight into your work.
Award entry is an integral part of many businesses' growth strategy plans. The entry form is free to download, and the entry process provides clarity on initial objectives in relation to results and gives an opportunity to reflect on your journey, discover a new perspective and identify areas for improvement.

The Rules

All entries must not exceed 1000 words. The word count does not include the company information at the start of the form or the questions already within the form.
When creating a title for your entry, please structure your title in the following format: \'Agency Name & Client Name – Campaign/Product/Tool/Website Name\' or \'Company/Team Name\' for the company/team awards.
Entries should relate to work undertaken between November 2023 - March 2025.
Please ensure you fill out a separate Word/PDF entry form each entry submission. For example, if you submit five different entries, you will need to complete five individual entry forms and upload these separately on each submission.
If you\'re uploading the same entry into another category, you will need to edit your entry form and make sure the correct category is checked. If the correct category is not checked, your entry may be classed as void and therefore not judged.
Entry questions are dependent on your chosen category, so please take care when filling out each entry form. If your entry form does not match your online submission and category selection, your entry may be classed as a duplication error and may not be judged.
Entry forms can be designed to your company branding, as long as they contain the original questions and headings in the correct order in which judges mark them.
Please ensure you read the terms and conditions before submitting an entry.

Entry Fees

Super Early Bird Entry Fee: £215

Entries for the super early bird deadline must be submitted by Thursday, 30 January 2025.

Early Bird Entry Fee: £275

Entries for the early bird deadline must be submitted by Thursday, 13 February 2025.

Final Entry Fee: £355

Entries for the final deadline must be submitted by Thursday, 27 February 2025.

All entries are subject to VAT if applicable.

Exclusive Multiple Entry Saving – Enter five entries and receive one additional free entry. Submit all six entries in one session and your discount will automatically be applied at checkout.

File Uploads

Individual files must not exceed 2MB. When creating your online profile, ensure your logo is of high quality as this will be used for marketing purposes. Entry forms will only be accepted as a Word or PDF document.

Supporting documents can be provided in Word, PDF, or JPEG format. Zip files and videos cannot be accepted, however, you can include links to online files.


All material will remain confidential to the judges. All judging discussions are confidential and will not be shared or discussed with anyone outside of the judging panel ahead of the ceremony or thereafter. Judges will not share confidential material, judging papers or entries with anyone. Judges will securely delete all judging materials immediately after the judging period. Judges can only access entries that they have been provided to score.

Our Event Sponsors & Partners

Don\'t Panic Projects
We Are Search
Tribe Global
Digital Agency Network

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With each project, we endeavor to innovate, utilizing the latest techniques and staying abreast of contemporary SEO developments. This award is a testament to our team’s commitment to excellence and serves as a powerful motivator to continue excelling in what we do. Koen Leemans, SEO specialist
The European Search Awards are a key date on our calendar. We work hard on our entries, but as you’re up against some of the biggest international agencies, it’s always a little nerve-wracking! To come out with two wins is huge, and it’s wonderful to see both leadership and client teams recognised for their forward-thinking work. Victoria Patten, Marketing Manager
Winning the Best Large SEO Agency award at the European Search Awards is pretty much the pinnacle of awards you can win – it’s a super proud moment for me. We’ve come a long way as an agency in the last 10 years (it was only three years ago we won the Best Small SEO Agency at the European awards), and I know awards don’t define us, but they do help guide us along the way. And for me, this is an indication that we are heading in the right direction. Nick Redding, Managing Director
Winning an award at the EU Search Awards is a priceless reward for our teams who work hard every day to push innovation even further. It proves that our technology remains at the forefront of the SEO industry. Thank you to Don’t Panic Events and to the judges! François Goube, CEO
The European Search Awards are the first major awards that we have won as a business & demonstrate that we are very much on the path to growth, supported by recognition from a range of industry experts & people we really respect. We look forward to what the future holds for Cedarwood Digital & also entering the European Search Awards in 2023!
Cedarwood Digital
Award Ceremony Countdown
Days 00
Hours 00
Mins 00
Secs 00